Are so many people buying at the bottom?

The German government has been selling to crash the market

The market is flat, but who is protecting it?

Today, the German government transferred 1,000 bitcoins to the exchange. At around 3 pm today, 250 bitcoins were sent to each of the two exchanges Bitstamp and Coinbase. At the same time, 500 bitcoins were sent to an unknown address starting with "139PoP".

Everyone is buying at the bottom

Follow $BTC $ETH $SOL NOT, wif...

The callback is an opportunity, if you miss it, you will break your thigh

#BTC下跌分析 #德国政府转移比特币 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #ASI代币合并计划 #美国首次申领失业救济人数超出预期

Recently, Xinguang is exploring some potential coins that are about to explode

The market is about to return and I will share these with fans as a benefit

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