#BTC Focus on the closing of BTC daily at $56,000. In the past few days, the bulls and bears have been fighting at this position, which feels like a monkey market. In my community, some people shouted that the bear market is coming in the morning, and the bull market returned quickly in the afternoon. Whether the daily line can close and stabilize at $56,000 represents whether the daily trend can be reversed. Stabilization means that the daily line will rebound to $60,000 and $62,700; on the contrary, if it closes below, it will fall to the next support of $50,000-52,000. To be honest, I am not very sure that I can predict the specific direction around $56,000. I can only give some reference points for rebound or decline in the future market; after all, I can not always perfectly predict the daily market. The shorter the cycle and the more frequent the changes, the more difficult it is to predict. If we must make a prediction based on the current BTC daily line, if today's daily line can still close above $56,000, then I am more inclined to believe that the daily line will rebound from the oversold $56,000 to touch the $60,000 and $62,700 pressure levels.