These four types of project parties (VC) in the crypto market will be the prototype of 100x coins.

1. Anonymous or out-of-market founders, such as Satoshi Nakamoto

2. Founders with smaller real shares, such as the founder of Ethereum

3. Relying on sustainable business models rather than market value extraction

4. The founders themselves have financial strength and do not rely on project funds

Although these conditions are straightforward, projects that meet all the conditions are actually very rare. This is why the market has only given attention to these four types of projects for a long time. However, VCs cannot only look at the problem from the perspective of stock, but should also look for opportunities for innovation in the industry from an incremental perspective.

Therefore, VCs must realize that it is not enough to rely solely on the long-term participation of founders. VCs are bound to founders with long-term visions. This binding is not only that VCs rely on founders, but also that founders need long-term support from VCs. Such long-termists are particularly difficult to identify and screen. They cannot rely solely on superficial words, and usually need to rely on paranoia and unusual vision to screen out projects with lofty ideals. Many projects led by Internet executives that look dazzling on the surface may ultimately be unable to resist the above temptations.

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