The crypto battlefield is filled with smoke! Has the bull market gone? Most people may have lost their way!

(Jiao Liu Zhu Ye)

Although this round of bull market seems strange, it should not be strange after experiencing so many rounds of bull market. In fact, it is not difficult to make money in this round of bull market, but it is not easy to make money in every bull market. You should understand that most of those who made money in the past few rounds did not enter the market in the bull market. Those who came in after realizing the "making money" opportunity in the bull market will realize later that others made the money they invested.

In essence, those who can go through the bull and bear markets without any damage are the real winners. In the years of ups and downs in the Bitcoin and crypto markets, many well-known gold diggers have come, such as SBF, a genius trader on Wall Street, and Do Kwon, known as the "Korean Musk", who have all suffered setbacks in the crypto market. The lessons learned from them are quite simple. In addition to being eager for success and not fearing risks, the most important point is the deviation of "crypto values".

But they never expected that in this highly free market, they would never escape the fate of "big fish eat small fish". Any industry, as long as it does not come for the pursuit of the correct values ​​of the industry, does not recognize the value of the industry, and enters with the mentality of "cutting leeks", is destined to fail to do this career well. Even if it tastes the sweetness at the beginning, it will soon be backlashed by the market.

However, this year, in addition to new and old altcoins of various concepts, Meme projects are blooming everywhere. The market has discovered that the value of FOMO emotions can also be stored in containers. Since FOMO emotions can be directly loaded into Meme, why bother to spend energy on those "copycat traps" filled with all kinds of "rat shit" and prepared for retail investors everywhere?

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