How to grasp the hot spots of the market and escape on time!

Here are eight references:

1. Keep up with the market and look for new tokens. Everyone is tired of the old and likes the new. Grasp the hot news of the market, such as artificial intelligence, meme coins, cross-chain sectors and new chain games. These concepts did not exist before or some have new tokens!

2. Choose to enter the market in the early stage of the bull market and wait for opportunities in the bear market. In the bull market, choose tokens that have been alive and have not disappeared after two rounds of bull markets. Sell them when they double.

In the bear market, look at the price of big cakes at a low level and wait for the return of the bull market!

3. The market is waiting. Only big market has big opportunities. The market is often cyclical. It is optional to cut the boat to seek the sword. For example, inscriptions, NFTs, and memes are all opportunities.

4. If the market falls, someone must sell. Don't go against the market. If it falls by more than 20%, you should sell it. Even if it will rise back later, keep the principal and choose the next line of the market.

5. To make money, you have to lose less. The correct way to avoid more losses is to stop loss.

6. Don't buy all positions, keep some money as an opportunity to cover or reduce positions.

7. Pay attention to strong coins. If you are trapped, you still have a chance to get out of the trap. Avoid chasing high to avoid being trapped.

8. When the market is negative, it is the best time to buy. You can refer to the long-short comparison of Bitcoin. If it exceeds 20%, it means that the other side is about to explode!

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