
Slap someone and get a candy bean, then slap someone again

Sometimes you can’t even get a candy bean after getting slapped a few times

Isn’t that the case in the cryptocurrency world? It depends on whether you want to take the slap or the candy beans

I see that many friends have been watching the market all the time and have no appetite during this period

In fact, no matter how long you watch the market, you are just watching

On the contrary, the longer you watch, the more hesitant you will be

The opportunity is often only a quarter of an hour, and if you miss it, you miss it

But if you watch it for a long time, you will find the pattern

Often when you find the pattern and enter the market, you will meet the standard of others' harvesting

Then you can only wait to be cut, hold the order, and be trapped

What I said is reality, and reality is often more cruel

Faced with repeated cuts, there are few positions left

Only then I remembered that my method was wrong

Only then I knew to follow the strategy

This is more difficult, and buying coins with a small warehouse is restricted

You can only buy and sell slowly, although you can make money, but the cycle is much longer than that of a large warehouse

Sometimes choice is indeed greater than hard work, isn't it?