The general meaning is that if you buy Ordi at this price now, you can make much more than BTC in the bull market.

I asked them back, why do you want to buy Ordi.

Their reasons are as follows: First, Ordi is the leader of the BTC ecosystem, and the leader will rise. Second, Orid was listed on Binance and fell so much.

Third, as a new thing, ordi should rise. Fourth, during the bull market, bitcoin will definitely break through the previous high, and ordi will definitely break through the previous high.

I said: All your reasons are correct, but you will not make any money if you buy based on these reasons.

My logic is very simple. Ordi is the meme leader of the Bitcoin ecosystem. Everyone knows it. It is not a secret. The market has given it a normal price. Everyone who knows it also knows it. You cannot make money from this information.

The reasons for the second, third and fourth parts are the same as above. You can't make much money from something that is not a secret. And there is no guarantee of making money.

Watermelons in the east of the city cost 4 yuan, and those in the west of the city cost 2 yuan. Everyone knows that there is a price difference, but they cannot make much money. This is because everyone knows that the market rules have given reasonable prices. For the same watermelon, the watermelon sellers in the east of the city must have paid more than those in the west. They only make money to maintain the normal operation of the market, and it is impossible to make a fortune.

Making money through investing must be based on the cognitive gap accumulated by information gaps that others are unaware of. Among them are information advantage and informed advantage. For example, if you have discovered a certain pattern of moving bricks, you can make a clamp robot, you can do strategic liquidity arbitrage, etc. Only with this informed advantage can you say that you can make stable money.

Relying on all the information that has been revealed by the market to do business, making money is actually a matter of luck and courage.

There is no need to show off or be complacent about occasional success, as it is merely a prelude and bait to greater failure.

If you don’t have the advantage information compared to others, and you buy Ordi now, and then you find that a bull market is coming and Ordi has risen to 500U per piece.

Let me give you an example. It’s like you are doing live streaming and singing for 4 hours every day, but there are only a few people in the live streaming room.

One day, a big brother suddenly came and gave you a reward of 1 million, and then your live broadcast room became popular.

People came to watch all of a sudden, the number reached hundreds of thousands, and then one person swipe a little, that person swipe a little, and you became rich.

But you don’t even know how to get rich.

Afterwards, people analyzed your situation. It was because you sang a sad song that touched the heartbreak of an old man. There were very few songs for old men on the entire platform, but you kept singing it, and then you became popular.

Then people ask you how you are so awesome, but in fact you don’t even know what’s so awesome about me.

You are just desperate and have to make a living in the live broadcast room. At least you can earn a higher salary than working and have freedom.

You can only sing sad songs. How can you know the algorithms of any platform or the choices of the crowd?

Khan: Getting rich is always so inexplicable.

Afterwards, people also imitated you, but no one got rich, and their popularity was the same as yours at the beginning.

A friend commented: "There is a big problem with your logic. According to this so-called information gap, it is impossible to make money by buying and hoarding pancakes because there is no information gap."

My understanding is this: We need to know that our views on things do not affect the world. The mind cannot interfere with events, only behavior can interfere with events.

For example, you all know that you can make money by hoarding BTC in a bear market and selling it in a bull market, or hoarding it for 10 years. But how many people have made money? I dare say that 5% of people have made money, which is already very good. If you don't do it, it won't have any impact on the market. Only if everyone does it will there be an impact.

There is a key point here. People who buy BTC are informed traders. They know the historical cycle of BTC and know that BTC is the cornerstone of the industry. It is publicly known information. Just like when you live in society, you always need a little information gap to make money, but some information gaps are public or made known to you, so you can always make money. As for those non-public projects, wouldn’t you be able to do them? Of course not. It’s just that the resources are monopolized and you are not needed. So of course you can’t make money if you are not informed.

Why can't some cognition do this? Because it is false knowledge, and false knowledge and behavior cannot be unified. Therefore, the unity of knowledge and action that we often talk about is useful.

People buy air coins because they think the returns from air coins can exceed those from BTC, which is a combination of knowledge and action. However, their cognition is indeed no different from that of others. However, their logic of buying is indeed wrong. Let's take the example of watermelons again. How can you make money from others? Unless you find a new story scene for your watermelons. Otherwise, you can't make a lot of money with the same watermelons. Then, a person who understands the information gap of watermelons comes. He buys watermelons for 2 yuan from the wholesale market in the west of the city, and then sells them for 298 yuan a piece in the night market. There will be people who want them. That is because this person has this cognitive gap, while the person selling in the fruit store does not have this cognitive gap, so he can't do it and can't make money. So, back to the coins, some people can make a lot of money on air coins, such as pepe. People are well-informed. When to sell and when to list on Binance, whether this coin is a money laundering plate or something else, people know, so they can make money. You don't know, so you can't make money no matter what you buy.

As for those who make money by luck, when the tide recedes, you will know who is swimming naked. After several cycles, you can continue to observe the ending of those who made money by copying.

Of course, some people make money. In some cases, even if the logic is wrong, it will not affect making money, because there will be other variables in the financial market, which makes their behavior correct or it may be a matter of luck.

But can we make money in this market for a long time by luck? If everyone says that buying a copycat bull market will make it go up, then why do so many people lose money? The fundamental reason is that the logic of buying is wrong, and the logic of selling is also wrong. Their cognition is the same. The dealer has information advantages and capital advantages, while retail investors have no advantages. How can they make money? They can only cut each other. Then the coins that the dealer has sold will slowly fall, and the rest are cut by retail investors. The dealer has information advantages and continues to come back to make another move, and then continue to cut a move, which is the so-called rebound from the decline, but it will never reach a new high. Unless there is another variable.

Finally, if you are a complete beginner and you are excited to enter the cryptocurrency world after seeing BTC hit a record high, then I suggest you follow me first, learn the knowledge of the cryptocurrency world from me, and improve your basic skills. Only by laying a solid foundation can you go further. #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛