After the non-agricultural data stopped falling, there was a slight rebound, and the second round of decline began‼ ️

The subsequent market may rebound and fall in a wide range‼ ️

The whole market is the same as what we said in the previous article. After the release of the non-agricultural data, a 48-hour rebound began. We sent you the article at 8 o'clock on Friday night, so 48 hours later, at around 10:00 on Sunday night, ETH started the second wave of decline. 📉📉

It is exactly consistent with the 48 hours we said. The pressure level we gave you is 3016~3064. The highest difference on Ethereum has increased to 3080, which is also completely consistent with the pressure band we gave. Between the pressure band of 3016~3064 we gave, we can enter this position at will with any short order, and we can fill the position completely. So after this wave of short orders filled the position, there is a floating profit of 200 points from the drop to now. The average entry price should be around 3040. This morning, the highest price fell to around 2822, and the floating profit was more than 200 points🤑🤑🤑🤑

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币