The main force routine in the bull market: Have you fallen into the trap?

In the bull market, before every surge, the main force will always try to suppress the price and force retail investors to cut their losses and leave the market. After the price surges, retail investors will regret it: it turns out that this is a trap set by the main force.

When the market enters the final crazy stage, many retail investors can't help chasing the rise, trying to make the last profit, or even expand the principal. But the result is often firmly trapped at the top of the market.

The main force routine mainly includes:

1. Suppressing prices: The main force will use various means to create price drops, making retail investors think that the market is going to fall sharply, prompting them to sell their positions.

2. Creating illusions: The main force will let you see the shrinking account value, create the illusion of market instability, and induce retail investors to sell high and buy low in an emotional state.

3. Cleaning chips: When the chips of retail investors are cleaned, the main force can more easily control the market and trap retail investors at the market high.

These traps in the bull market often make people fall into them, so rational investment and cautious trading strategies are very important to avoid becoming victims of the main operations.

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