This trader has $338,730,113.09 worth of $WIF , $289,837,064.10 worth of $BOME , $150,007,464.78 worth of $BONK as you can see in the wallet below, do you know you can use this wallet address to spot new meme coins and buy them whenever this trader is buying them, with that you will be able to buy a meme coin with $50 and flip it to over $50,000

Whoever has this wallet has information on different meme coins that can change your life, but since you don’t know them, you can use their wallet and monitor and buy any meme coin you see them buying.

This are the people we hear about, people that will buy a meme coin with $180,000 and flip it to $10,000,000

All you need is access to the wallet and we have that already, as you can see our name “x mucan “ on the wallet , we are actively monitoring the wallet

Do you want access to the wallet?

Like, follow us for more updates (very important) and let us know if you want us to show you how you can monitor the wallet and use it in spotting meme coins

Next update on this : 24 hours