Recently, it was reported that Sol was going to launch an ETF, which led to a direct increase of 10% some time ago. I personally think that it is okay to play with some contracts, and it is no problem to get the spot, but just get some bands, and sell it when it comes.

Let me talk about the conclusion first. This wave of ETFs submitted to sol is definitely good, but the chance of passing this time is extremely low. I think it is just a wave of speculation.

Why don’t you think the ETF will pass this time?

The market value is too low and the trading volume is not large enough. These two are the most important factors. The market value of BTC is 17 times that of sol. Even the ether that benchmarks sol is 6 times that of sol.

Some people may ask why not? Think about it, ETFs were created to make them accessible to more people and allow more people to participate in investment. If today’s market value is low and the trading volume is not large enough, it will easily be led by institutions or even large investors, which will harm the interests of the public. , it is impossible for sec to allow this to happen.

Will it pass in the future?

Yes, it is certain that it will happen, but not necessarily in this bull market, at least that’s what I think. There are many signs that the sol ecosystem is now booming, with a lower price than Ethereum, and the meme coins that can be seen everywhere indicate this. What is certain is that if sol passes ETF in the future, the one that will benefit most is JUP. The trading volume on JUP will definitely increase by a level, thus causing the currency price to rise.

