According to Foresight News, UniSat released a product update for UniSat Swap, which will launch the Swap function on the Bitcoin mainnet and Fractal Bitcoin. Among them, UniSat has verified the Swap test function on the Bitcoin mainnet, is assisting other indexers and ensuring accurate hash verification, and is coordinating and communicating with L1F to finalize the time for the Bitcoin mainnet to go online. Regarding the Swap function on Fractal Bitcoin, UniSat said that its method called Fractal Bitcoin is able to systematically expand and scale Bitcoin, and has made progress, and will launch Fractal Swap in September. In subsequent iterations, BTC and other mainnet assets can also exist on Fractal Bitcoin as BRC-20 packaged assets, providing greater flexibility.

UniSat said that from a user's perspective, the main difference is that Fractal has faster confirmation and lower overall fees; the similarity is that both are based on the BRC-20 protocol and use BRC-20 sats as gas fees. Fractal Swap will implement a competitive Rollup mechanism, allowing users to package their Rollup results to the sorter and earn transaction fees (BRC-20 sats) generated by all transactions within the Rollup.