Can you guys still hold on? The bull is still there, don't panic, the pie will fluctuate between 54,000 and 57,000 for a while, and then start the next big wave, reaching 80,000, 100,000, 200,000! Only by cutting interest rates and releasing water can a bigger bull market be achieved!

Some people are optimistic, some are pessimistic. If you desperately throw out your chips in the market waterfall, the chips you sell are often lower than the real value. Even if you really don't think the market will look good, you can choose to wait, or you can gradually throw out your chips when the market recovers, so that you will get more investment returns than those who throw out chips in panic.

Rather than boiling a frog in warm water in the past market crawl, it is better to have a good time in this storm. If the market is not dead, it will never have a chance. Instead of waiting to die, it is better to break and then stand up. When the market fluctuates sharply, crisis, crisis, danger also brings out greater opportunities.

Every big wash is a big opportunity. Rising is the beginning of falling, and falling is the beginning of rising. Many veterans in this market regret missing such opportunities. When everyone in the market is panicking, it is difficult to reverse the situation if you panic. When everyone goes east, going west will have opportunities.

2013, 2017, 2021, and then to 2022, which time was not exhausted.

Life is always good and hard. The past will become the "most beautiful experience" in your life and the "greatest wealth" in your investment career. There will be light after darkness, and the moon will be bright after the fog is cleared!

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