Rule 1: Don’t do things you shouldn’t do
Basically, those who lost money are the ones who made the right bet, and those who did not lose money may also be the ones who made the right bet.
But to be more specific, for example
1. Go for a meme, because of the name, because of other people’s calls, even if you see that the chip distribution is very unreasonable, or the pool is not locked or there are other risks, you still decide to go for a big one. As expected, the market plummeted and was even rugged.
2. After losing money, you are eager to make it back, continue looking for the code to wealth, and repeat the above mistakes.
What about the other way around? That is, when you create a meme, you must find the point that makes this meme different from the others. How do you find it? I recently came up with a trick.
Is this meme something that a low-cost team can create? 99% of memes are of this type. You can hire a few temporary programmers, or even use chatgpt to help you build a website, tweet, and post something. So is it appropriate for us to play with this kind of thing and invest 1 million in it?

It's too risky.
On the other hand, what is not of this type? Bome and Pandora are both, because they have the characteristics of favorable timing, favorable location and favorable people, which are difficult to replicate.
So, recently there are some other Pepe series memes, such as Pepe the Landlord, Hoppy, etc. The advantage is that they have become memes, but the disadvantage is that there are risks such as chips being too concentrated and the market value being too large compared to the trading volume. This kind of meme can be made by a team that makes money with a cost of 30,000 R, and it may reach a market value of 10 million by just attracting people everywhere. So small bets for fun are fine, but heavy positions are "something that should not be done".

What about Pepe? He is a little special. His meme itself is indeed a little special. And if we observe this specialness dynamically, along with the rise of the market, consensus will slowly form and there will be some changes. At the same time, the 0 tax that Pepe did at that time was in contrast to some complex economic models of the same period. Both sides took off together, which also constituted a certain degree of advantage. But relatively speaking, it is not as easy to distinguish as Bome and Pandora mentioned above.

2. Not doing what you should do
I think we should follow the trend here, not the hot spots. Hot spots come in different sizes, and it is impossible to follow them every day, so we must follow the big ones.
For example, during the Spring Festival this year, I found that many friends were still speculating whether the stock would fall, which shocked me. It was the prelude to a sharp rise. So I was traveling in Australia at the time, and on the boat, I used voice + mobile phone memo to edit a long paragraph and sent it to the group. At that time, ETFs had not yet arrived. I emphasized that 40,000 Bitcoin B was a low price, and emphasized that "you can make big money by following the big trend, make money by following the medium trend, and make small money by following the small trend."

For details, please refer to this article "Can I still buy it now? The big bull opens"
Can I still buy it now? Is the big bull open?
From 40,000 to 70,000, it seems that the increase is not going to be high, but you can go all in with a full position or even add a little loan.
This kind of money must be earned! So, sometimes I see some group friends rushing around every day, not understanding many of the basic principles of investment that I said, and not understanding why I said that some behaviors will lead to "small funds will always be small funds", and I feel helpless. Making 70% with a full position is called stable happiness. However, rushing around without logic will easily lead to continuous losses.

In addition, everyone must be careful of various local dogs calling orders, and use my logic above to match them - you can achieve a god-level winning rate.
Because some of the people who shout orders are the project parties who are issuing the orders, and even some group owners of paid groups are issuing the orders on a running basis, so there are projects to rush into every day; some of them are lying in ambush, and they will run away when you rush at them, which is quite tragic.

I thought about it, what are the things that should and should not be done at the moment?
Things that should not be done are, even if the market collapses to 30,000, constantly predicting whether it will fall further, or being fooled by people’s fomo and looking for high-risk copycat stocks to bet on a rebound.
What you should do is to find BTC\ETH which is unlikely to be trapped, and buy in batches!
The absolute bottom of BTC is at 40,000. I don’t think there will be such an opportunity - unless there is an extreme black swan, just have a vague range in mind.
If you choose between BTC and ETH, both are fine for now. If you choose BTC, don’t move it and hold it for a long time. As for ETH, the ETF may be approved at any time this month according to the news. After it is approved, it will hit 4500. Then you can switch back to BTC.
Both of these Bs can be heavily invested, it just depends on the price you choose. This should be easy to understand.
If you want to take advantage of the rebound of copycat stocks, you can pay attention to: pepe\not\ton and other strong stocks. I personally will not buy them for the time being. When there is a big drop, I will only buy the biggest and second largest ones.
Want to go for the unpopular sector and try Piazz, People and some new Bs on the chain - I not only don't buy this kind of thing, but even put it on the list of "things that should not be done" because the essence is that under the premise of unequal chip costs and quantities, others have fomo'd a target,
Waiting for everyone to get rich, the actual result is likely to be that others get rich and I take over.