Is it a bad mentality that affects trading, or is it a bad trading that causes a bad mentality?

Emotions are physiological intuitive reactions. Asking this question is like asking whether the chicken or the egg came first. There is no absolute answer, and it does not touch the most fundamental cognitive problem.

In fact, the core question should be, why does trading affect our emotions?

Now everyone wants to make quick money, just like Mingge's early trading, they are all eager for quick success and seek benefits and avoid harm. This is human nature, and everyone will naturally attribute the credit to themselves when they make a profit, thinking that they make money by ability, but in fact most of the time it is luck money.

In the market, most of those who can make long-term stable profits are deep thinkers. They have a more stable mentality, a core profit logic, a rigorous decision-making process, and their own unique trading system. Whether it is a short-term loss or profit, it will not affect their mentality. People who make money by luck are opportunity explorers. They do not screen information, but only trade based on their intuition and simple reasons. They are happy when they make some money and depressed when they lose money. Their mentality fluctuates because of the fluctuation of funds. This is the source of emotions.

Therefore, we should also have entrepreneurial spirit when doing transactions, distinguish between luck money and ability money, make decisions through deep thinking and logic, improve our own management and decision-making level, and don’t always think about making quick money, otherwise this business will not last long.

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