#APT #imx #IO #ENA

These four tokens will be unlocked in Xiazhou, and the total value is expected to be released at about 119.04 million US dollars.

On July 11, I0 unlocked about 2.21 million (about 4.96 million US dollars), accounting for 0.277% of the total supply;

On July 12, APT unlocked about 11.3 million (about 66.5 million US dollars), accounting for 1.131% of the total supply

On July 12, IMX unlocked about 32.47 million (about 41.56 million US dollars), accounting for 1.624% of the total supply

On July 14, ENA unlocked about 14.88 million (about 6.02 million US dollars), accounting for 0.099% of the total supply

Prices will fluctuate greatly when large amounts are unlocked, so pay more attention to the following