Summary of weeks 7.1-7.7:

The market this week can only be described in one word: "plunge". At the beginning of this week, it first pulled up from the bottom of around 61,000 to around 63,500, and reached this week's highest level of 63,849 in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Our big pie layout on Monday also successfully won 2,700 point, Ether simultaneously scored 87 points. In the next few days, the market plummeted, reaching the lowest position of 53329. This week, the market fell nearly 10,000 points, and Ether simultaneously fell 700 points. Fortunately, the market stabilized, and the current price comparison is at Near 57700

From a disk perspective, bulls continued to rise from lows yesterday, but did not break through the daily real line suppression, so they are still under pressure. Although they broke the boll mid-rail suppression in four hours, the moving averages are still shrinking further, so a timely rebound is possible. There won't be much space. In the last week of the big cycle, the daily line closed with a cross, and the upper track of the boll has been pierced, so there are already conditions for weakness. However, from the daily perspective, it will reach the lower track of the daily boll first. Then the silk road remains unchanged and continues to be the main bearish trend. treat

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 $BTC

Big pie idea: short around 58000-58300, target 57000

Ether idea: empty near 3050, target 2950

When the trend goes well, the market will shape you, and when the trend goes against the trend, the market will teach you. Don’t be sad. There will always be a period of market fluctuations that you can’t understand, but there will always be a wave where you can make money. Do you feel that if you don’t make money today, it will continue to shrink tomorrow? You Do you feel that the market trend that you can't catch today will always pass you by? Sooner or later, one day, if you don't get what you want, you will get something better. This is not chicken soup encouragement, this is to be treated rationally. The most fearful group of people are those with low emotional intelligence. They are anxious when things happen. They don’t want to let go of any ups and downs. They always keep building positions and make too many moves. If you don't, you will lose your true self.