After waking up at the weekend, BTC surged to 58472, and the low point has gone out of the space of 5142 dollars.

This rebound strength is not bad, it has rebounded by nearly 10%.

Many cottages have rebounded by 15%+.

Yesterday's analysis talked about that the weekend market was stable.

A little retracement is done, cottages have as little as three or five points, and as much as 15%+.

After waking up from a sleep, everything is satisfied. The old rules are that on Sunday and Monday, 70-80% of the position is stopped at a high point, and the remaining position is to protect the principal and loss without setting a stop profit. Regardless of the spot contract, it is operated in this way. Accumulating a lot is a strict strategy execution. It is not to continue the pattern when it rises and to continue to hold the order when it falls. Protecting the principal and loss is the best operation for you to attack and retreat!

If you intervene at 55400 on Friday night, stop profit 80%, and the remaining position is protected by the principal and loss without setting a stop profit game, at this moment, you can go out of the space of 3000 dollars. This is the charm of protecting the principal and loss. There can still be miracles if the principal falls and there is no worry about the rise!

BTC falls back and pays attention to the support strength of 56900/55600/55000.

Operation suggestions:

There are 24 hours left before the weekly K-line is closed. There will be slight fluctuations. If it falls back to 1/2-1/3 of yesterday's K-line today, you can gamble once! This suggestion is suitable for all short-term suggestions for coins!
