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🔹Reviews of Cognitive Society

Bitcoin's highest rebound point on July 6 was 57,300, which is close to the pressure point of 58,000 in yesterday's article.

Bitcoin's lowest point on July 5 was 53,300, which coincides with the support level of 54,000 in yesterday's article.

Bitcoin's lowest point on July 4th was 56,800, which coincides with the support level of 57,000 in yesterday's article.

The highest point of Bitcoin's rebound on July 3 was 63,800, which coincides with the pressure point of 64,000 in yesterday's article.

The highest point of Bitcoin's rebound on July 2 was 63,800, which coincides with the pressure point of 64,000 in yesterday's article.

The most amazing thing about the past 24 years is that no matter what happens, no matter how much Bitcoin falls, it always rebounds quickly, no matter what the reason is, maybe the US bad news, maybe Binance’s new coins, maybe unlocking, maybe... no matter what the altcoins are, they all plummet, and the annoying thing is that the altcoins are powerless to rebound.

The 58,000-60,000 that Bitcoin rebounded from is a strong pressure point. It is estimated that it will take some time to fall back. In addition, the sell-off in Mentougou will also take time, which will be almost a month.

If the altcoin wants to rebound sharply, it needs a reason. The altcoin has already followed the decline of Bitcoin, and will not follow the rise of Bitcoin, so it can only hope to put it in Ethereum.

The US rate cut is estimated to be in September and November, which is still two months away, but Ethereum spot ETF trading is normally in July or August. Cognition Society believes that after the Ethereum spot ETF is approved, the cottage industry should have a big rebound.

It’s the 28th day of the twelfth lunar month in the cold winter

The copycat market is completely desperate

The hope of the financial market comes from the despair of the market

Just like the sunshine coming from the despair in the middle of the night

🔹The K-line spirit of cognitive society

Many new fans feel that the articles of Cognition Society do not have direct bullish or bearish opinions, which affects the chances of making money by playing contracts. The principle of Cognition Society is to play more spot in a bull market. We do not over-judge the rise and fall of short-term prices. This is not Tai Chi, but Cognition Society has its own principles.

Cognitive Society does not know when Bitcoin will plummet, but we remind ourselves that every time Bitcoin plummets, it is an opportunity. We enter the market when Bitcoin plummets and deploy our favorite Ethereum UNI and hot altcoins.

Therefore, if you hold 8 layers of positions, you should control your positions to around 7 layers when Bitcoin accelerates its rise. In the bull market, don't fantasize about shorting your positions every time Bitcoin plummets.


The interest rate swap market has once again fully priced in two rate cuts by the Federal Reserve before the end of the year

According to Jinshi.com, the interest rate swap market has once again fully priced in two interest rate cuts by the Federal Reserve before the end of the year.

📍Interpretation of Cognitive Society: If the interest rate is cut in September, the cottage industry will plummet in July. I dare not even think about it in my daydreams.

The U.S. House of Representatives plans to vote next week to override Biden's veto of SAB 121-related resolutions

On July 6, The Block reported that the U.S. House of Representatives plans to hold a key vote next week to overturn Biden's veto of the SEC's cryptocurrency custody accounting standards announcement (SAB 121). Although the House of Representatives passed a resolution in May with a vote of 228-182 to overturn the veto, Biden subsequently vetoed the resolution. SAB 121 was first issued in 2022 and has sparked controversy over the past year. It requires cryptocurrency custody companies to record cryptocurrencies held by customers as liabilities on their balance sheets. The crypto industry is concerned that this move may prevent banks from protecting digital assets.

📍Interpretation of Cognitive Society: Gradually understand that a society ruled by law is not just bragging, it is a practical experience

Jupiter Co-founder: The J4J Project is a large-scale experiment in community consistency

Jupiter co-founder Meow posted on social media that "the J4J project is a large-scale experiment in community consistency."

Meow published a draft of the J4J plan, the main proposals include:

· Proposed 30% reduction in total JUP supply · Teams will voluntarily take a 30% cut from their allocation · Corresponding 30% reduction in Jupuary emissions (BlockBeats)

📍Interpretation of Cognition Society: Cognition Society absolutely supports the J4J plan.

The German government, the US government and Mt.Gox addresses transferred a total of 14,817.1 BTC in 16 days, equivalent to about 898 million US dollars

📍Cognition Society Interpretation: There are still 90,000 bitcoins to sell

🔹Summary: Bitcoin 58,000-60,000 has a lot of selling pressure and is expected to fall back. Every plunge in Bitcoin is an opportunity for Ethereum to enter the market

There is no destructive negative news. Bitcoin 56600 is likely to be the bottom area of ​​the third historical bottoming out;

May 2024 is the mid-term of the bull market for Bitcoin and Ethereum. Every plunge is an opportunity. Long-term K-line research focuses on Ethereum UNI OP NEAR BLUR and Link Bread;

🔹Short-term data

Disclaimer: The K-line data analysis provided by Cognitive Society is based on data analysis, does not represent any position, and does not confiscate any project party a penny.


Support: 55800   54800

Pressure level: 58000 59000


3050 3100 is the key in the short term

There are too many people who are long on Ethereum, and the ratio of longs to shorts is about 4

If the Ethereum spot ETF is traded in August, there is still one month left

Focus for the next six months

A sharp drop in Ethereum is an opportunity to enter the market

Deploying Ethereum is the core strategy.

Pressure level: 3050 3100

Support: 2950       2900


The rebound is very fast. 12.8 13.4 is the short-term pressure level. 11 is the core support level.

Can fully circulated value coins take off in the future market, especially after the Ethereum spot ETF is approved?

New value, new RWA leader, the plunge can be configured, cognitive society 22 23 years 5 layout LINK

🏷 him

The rebound is very fast. To stabilize, it needs to stand firm at 8.4

Pressure level: 8 8.4

Support level: 7.6 7


This game is exciting


It fell to 1.3 of the cognitive society in that year...

Cognition Society was the only one who reminded us to upgrade Cancun when the OP bottom was around 1.3.

Pressure level: 1.5 1.6

Support level: 1.3 1.2


Cognitive Society thinks that ENS TON should be replaced by Ethereum at this time


Officials do nothing

The unlocking time and rules will not be changed.

The ARB of Cognitive Society is losing half of its money.




0.23 is the expectation, the rebound is slow 0.27 0.3 is the key


And WIF may be the only one to plummet in the expected

2 2.2 Pressure level

The highest point of JTO rebound on July 6 was 2, which is consistent with the pressure point 2 in yesterday’s Cognitive Society article.

On July 5, JTO fell back to the lowest point of 1.66, which coincided with the support level of 1.7 in the article of Cognitive Society yesterday.

On July 4, JTO fell back to the lowest point of 1.94, which coincided with the support level 2 in the article of Cognitive Society yesterday.

On July 3, JTO fell back to the lowest point of 2.27, which coincided with the support level of 2.2 in the article of Cognitive Society yesterday.

The highest point of JTO’s rebound on July 2 was 2.47, which perfectly matches the pressure point of 2.48 in yesterday’s Cognitive Society article.


To stabilize, you need to stand firm 0.0008.............


Super strong rebound, the key pressure level is 2.2

The lowest point of the plunge on July 5 was 1.45, which is a perfect match with the 1.45 of Cognition Society yesterday. 2 and 2.2 are strong pressure points.



1000RATS rebounds to near cost and reduces positions. After reducing positions, reduce the proportion of long-term positions. The fluctuation is too large and most people cannot bear it.


It is 4. If you want to stabilize, you need to stand at 4.8.

Note that NEAR has become a little weaker, so don’t touch it unless it is at a high position.

Cognitive Society is the most optimistic about NEAR on the planet. NEAR1 has been updating frantically. Now NEAR is ranked behind in the article because it has risen too much. Maybe NEAR may reach 40 in the future, and there is not much room for growth.

When the price of NEAR23 is around 1, Cognition Society is the only one that reminds you to invest regularly when the price is around 1.3 to 1.

Pressure level: 4.6 4.8

Support: 4.2      4

Others, wait for more updates

🔹Understanding attitude towards making money

Cognitive Society does not like hindsight

I don’t like those KOLs who claim that they can make a lot of money.

If someone in the cryptocurrency circle could profit from the rise and fall of every coin

Leverage is not about making 10 billion a year

But the second largest exchange on earth saw the market makers manipulate the market, and it only lost billions and went bankrupt.

Form your own trading system and make money within your own cognitive scope. Don't fantasize about making money from every daily rise and fall, let alone the rise and fall of every coin. This person does not exist on the earth, nor does this kind of organization. If such an organization existed, FTX, the exchange that looks after the main backstage, would not have gone bankrupt.

Desire and ability are not equal

The heart can never be at peace

How can you hold on to the coins if you are not calm inside?

Many people always like to rely on other people's promises and guarantees to hold on to their coins when the market crashes.

Banks are going bankrupt. Even some big countries’ fiat currencies are going bankrupt. Evergrande and Zhongzhi Group are bankrupt with tens of trillions of dollars.

Do you think people who promise returns can be trusted in such a high-risk place like the crypto industry?

The charlatan is just talking nonsense. As for the real crash and bear market, have you ever seen those people who promote the bull market every day?