Compilation and detailed explanation of Methamorphosis airdrop project income

Yesterday’s article has introduced the Methamorphosis airdrop plan and basic gameplay to friends. Today, the author will explain in more depth the specific benefits that can be obtained.

Benefit 1: mETH value appreciation

The APY of mETH itself is about 3.02% (this income will fluctuate). If you have operated a liquidity re-pledge agreement or hold BETH, you should be able to understand the source of this income.

Benefit 2: EigenLayer Point

Whether you hold mETH in your wallet or stake it into a dapp, you can share EigenLayer's airdrop share. The Methamorphosis dashboard also supports viewing the EigenLayer points you have obtained.

In addition, some of the dapps in the Methamorphosis project even provide double EigenLayer score bonuses. Don’t miss these opportunities to get the best of both worlds!

Income 3: mETH staking income

mETH itself is a liquidity re-pledge token, so when we re-pledge mETH into the dapp, we can get basic staking income.

Benefit 4: Airdrop token COOK

The Methamorphosis project itself will distribute the airdrop token COOK. If you follow the method mentioned in my previous article within 100 days of the project, you can obtain the COOK airdrop share.

Benefit 5: Related protocol airdrops

Many of the relevant protocols that the Methamorphosis project cooperates with have not yet issued coins. Therefore, while participating in the project, we can also ambush the airdrop opportunities of dapp protocols to achieve the effect of eating more than one fish! (For example, the way the author participated in this airdrop was to pledge mETH into the Karak ambush airdrop. The relevant details can be explained in the next article)

In summary, if you are optimistic about or hold ETH, you may wish to convert your ETH into mETH to participate in this airdrop plan. Seize other income opportunities in addition to the rise in ETH prices, and maximize the efficiency of fund use and investment returns. At the same time, we can see that the current re-staking trend does allow users to have multiple sources of income, which is worth participating in.

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If you want to participate in this airdrop program, please use my referral code:


I will set the recommended link as a pinned message so that friends can go directly to the event page. At the same time, you can also add an additional 10% revenue incentive!