Even currencies that are not affected by it were affected. Why?

I'll tell you why...

In the beginning, the American elections between Donald Trump and Joe Biden made the market shaken at first, as Trump is a supporter of cryptocurrencies and Joe Biden is a strong opponent of cryptocurrencies.


Donald Trump assumed the American presidency, what will happen?

(It will be the Bitcoin renaissance, meaning it is the golden age in cryptocurrencies).

If Joe Biden assumes the American presidency, what will happen?

(It will be the end of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies)

Why and what is the reason?

Since Joe Biden met with one of the largest investors in digital currencies, Biden was persuaded to collect donations through cryptocurrencies, and they said: Do you think that Trump has knowledge of currencies?

This meeting and statements came after many investors and traders in cryptocurrencies attacked Biden

On the other hand, Donald Trump had already collected donations through cryptocurrencies, and this step made Trump prevail over Biden for the second time after his victory in the first debate.

Biden's democratic move?!

Biden plans to attract cryptocurrency traders to his side and show them that he is also interested in cryptocurrencies.

But basically, Biden is one of the most staunch opponents of currencies, fearing the demise of the US dollar. Democratic thinking has become clear after he was persuaded to collect donations through digital currencies. Put Thirty Lines after he has been convinced so far to think about collecting donations.

However, he is fundamentally opposed to this thing

What is the reason for Biden's approval of fundraising through cryptocurrencies?

Biden's move is a response to Donald Trump, who was the first to announce a “cryptocurrency roundtable.” The latter addressed the topic of cryptocurrency mining in particular

Billionaire Mark Cuban, who was present at the round table with Joe Biden, added:

“Do you really think he [Donald Trump] understands anything about cryptocurrencies? Other than saying he made money selling NFTs? Neither of them [Trump and Biden] do. And I've said repeatedly that Biden has to choose between Gensler or crypto voters.” "Otherwise, it could cost him the White House."

Will cryptocurrencies survive if Joe Biden assumes the next US presidency?

There are many possibilities and expectations, including...

Since Joe Biden does not have experience, he will appoint Mark Cuban as its president

Or he will uproot digital currencies from their roots.

The second possibility is the one that has occurred so far

The reason is

Due to a lack of regulatory clarity, many cryptocurrency companies have left the United States in recent years. The numerous legal battles with the Securities and Exchange Commission also angered others.

It was also Joe Biden who forced the SEC to approve Ethereum spot ETFs. Now it seems that the candidate is looking into the issue of digital currencies in general. While Donald Trump has adopted an approach that embraces cryptocurrencies in this election.

Cryptocurrencies have now become a major issue in the US presidential campaign. Facing Donald Trump, who wants to be a “crypto president,” Joe Biden is starting to pay attention to the topic. According to a report, he will soon hold a roundtable with industry experts.

What is the future of cryptocurrencies?

Its future will become clear after the end of the US elections

When it is the end of cryptocurrencies or will it be the beginning of a golden age in the world of currencies and you are the winners

Donald Trump's victory rate is much greater than Joe Biden's, but nevertheless you must be wary of the weakest opponents. You do not know, as some initially measure the psychological pressure of the opponent in order to defeat him in the end.

Or he shows weakness so that the other opponent underestimates the first opponent’s thinking and underestimates his abilities, so that he becomes confident in himself and his abilities, and in the end he may be surprised by the opponent.

A simple example (the hare and the tortoise race)

It may explain everything and make you understand. We are satisfied.

What do you think?

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