If you copy $IO again, your defense will be broken!!!

The current situation is that none of the new coins launched on the entire market exchange can always be popular, even the popular $NOT of TON ecosystem is the same.

IO, which was launched after NOT, also continued to fall as expected. As a project that cuts into the Depin track, I have the impression that IO should be the first Depin track project launched among Binance's new coins. It claims to have the most computing power in the entire Web3 market, but whether these computing powers are actually well used, I think there is a high probability that they are not.

As a GPU platform, IO actually has some mining coin logic in it, but it has changed its name in this cycle: Depin.

When I first learned about this track, I thought it was a conspiracy of FIL dog dealers. After all, the storage track is also a sub-concept of Depin. However, with the combination of AI and Web3, we will find that the storage track is not as eye-catching as the computing power usage #IO去中心化算力网络 . Instead, some new Depin narrative tokens are grabbing the market's attention $IO .

Depin is also a track dominated by the Western market. In addition, the recovery of the Solana ecosystem actually has a strong Western capital background. Under the nesting of the two narratives of Solana+Depin, IO is actually easy to be the first to be noticed by the market in the future Depin rotation market.

Although the current overall trend has been going down, I think this is inseparable from the overall sentiment of the market. Once the cottage rotation market comes, it will be very light to pull up.

If you are optimistic about Depin, choosing IO is a good choice. However, the current market value is nearly 200 million, which is still too high for some friends, and there is no support level below. We can consider batch layout according to the integer consensus of the price (1, 1.5, 2, etc.)