[Blockchain News] According to BlockBeats, the latest data from Coinglass shows that the open positions of Bitcoin futures contracts on the entire network have reached an astonishing 494,800 BTC, equivalent to approximately US$28.12 billion. Can you imagine this number? 😲

Among them, CME Bitcoin contract open positions are firmly in the top spot with a scale of 138,850 BTC (approximately US$7.88 billion), and Binance is closely behind with an open position of 122,950 BTC (approximately US$6.99 billion), ranking second.

The comparison of these two figures undoubtedly reveals part of the true situation of the Bitcoin futures market. However, what kind of story is hidden behind this? How will the market react? These are all issues worthy of our in-depth discussion.

Here, we invite everyone to speak freely in the comment area and share your views and opinions. What do you think the meaning behind this data is? What impact will this have on the future trend of Bitcoin? Looking forward to your wonderful comments!