#sol #zro #eth

Three years of cryptocurrency trading is all in vain, the bus goes straight to Guangdong.

The child is determined to leave his hometown and work the night shift in the electronics factory.

Tears wet the pork leg rice, vowing to make a million.

At the end of the month, I got 2,500 yuan, and I opened the transaction to do it.

Whose child cries every night? How can a gambler lose every day.

Ups and downs are so exciting, pray to God to let me make money.

Working for ten years is still working, and living in the palace for one night.

If the pie falls again, I will make up for it, and my life is so hard to turn the tide.

In the end, I lost everything and couldn't tighten the screws in my hand.

No matter how terrible the factory manager is, he still works in the assembly line.

A bowl of braised beef noodles, you have to continue working after eating.

Working in the assembly line for three years, enduring hardships and making dreams come true.

Three years of hard work to make money, saving 80,000 or 90,000 before the New Year.

I angrily asked the factory manager to resign, and opened a certain company without hesitation.

I worked diligently to trade in the market, but the dog dealer directly beat me.

I recalled the youthful madness, but now I am confused in the bridge tunnel.

I graduated from the second grade, and I could choose any industry.

I had no fate with the factory in this life, but I got into the factory as a clerk.

I traded in cryptocurrencies for three years and had no way back, and I still had to live in the electronics factory.

I wanted to get rich day and night, but the coffin was only halfway built.

Now I think back and tears fill the sky, and I will continue to work after I get the capital.