The plunge and the pin-in are over, and the bulls have been blown up. Now there are rumors that the shorts will be blown up! You are so damn sure that there will be a rate cut, why didn't you say it yesterday?

Derivatives traders are sure that the Fed will cut interest rates twice this year

U.S. Treasuries rose, yields fell, and mixed data on the labor market kept traders betting that Federal Reserve officials will cut interest rates this year. Although the June non-farm payrolls report showed higher-than-expected job growth, data in previous months were revised downward and unemployment rose. Derivatives market traders further strengthened their bets on rate cuts, and their expected probability of two rate cuts this year once again reached 100%. The probability of the Fed cutting interest rates as early as September is currently believed to be around 76%.

Jeff Klingelhofer, co-head of investment at Thornburg Investment Management, said: "I think there is still room for U.S. bonds to rise. Judging from Powell's recent statements, he has a strong tendency to start a moderate easing cycle. The labor market is returning to a better balance, inflation faces downside risks, and the economy may slide into recession."

Jeffrey Rosenberg, portfolio manager at BlackRock, said: "To consolidate the expectation of a rate cut in September, another round of data is needed. More importantly, the inflation data next week and the data next month are more important.

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