Investing 10 million in "value coins" and turning it into 10,000 in 1-2 rounds of bear market is a classic case!

ICP is up to 2800u, now 6.9u

FIL is up to 430u, now 3.6u

ZEC is up to 2000u, now 18u

EOS is up to 23u, now 0.49u

AE is up to 2.3u, now 0.023u

There are also countless copycats that have been delisted and returned to zero, so don't hold any copycat for a long time. Those who tell you that you can get your money back in the next bull market are all lying to you!

The current market is volatile. Whether you are keen on Heyue or spot, you can check the introduction to find me. After the sharp decline of the market, I am also optimistic about several potential coins and are ready to lay out.

Why not join me to capture the next wave of opportunities in the market.

#美国6月非农数据高于预期 #德国政府转移比特币 #VanEck提交首个SolanaETF