The market is not good, and now many Web3 bloggers have turned to "flying all over the country" 😅

Therefore, I can't help but share with you 3 efficient information acquisition channels that I use 👇🏻

1. Selected content information - 2 channels (Chinese and English) 🔻

(1) - a website that covers high-quality Web3 content in Chinese and English, which can help you to eliminate information gaps to a certain extent

The most important thing is‼ ️

It will translate long tweets in English into Chinese for you, which can help you eliminate information gaps

(2) Telegram's [Daewoo Investment Channel], you can search for it yourself, I won't post the link

At first, I paid attention to it because some of my content would occasionally be on the list, and later I found that there were really a lot of high-quality content collected every day

Another main reason is that I usually use TG frequently, and when I use it, I will habitually check to see if there are any updates

This provides me with great convenience in obtaining high-quality information every day

2. Industry hot spots: 🔻

This is a website that uses AI to select daily hot topics in the industry. It seems to be under chainfeeds.

This website is not really good, but my personal attention is limited, and I am too lazy to wait for the daily selected hot topics that are counted by the media.

It is enough to look at this, because it is a dynamic statistics of hot topics, but the disadvantage is that it has a certain lag and cannot be used as a reference for transactions. It can only be used as a channel for obtaining information.

Just use these three self-use acquisition channels, brothers, if this article is helpful to you, thank you for helping me like + follow + forward 🙏🏻