The balance of Bi'an Dabi wallet has increased significantly in the past seven days. What is the future trend?

According to data from Coinglass, the balance of Bi'an's Bitcoin wallet has increased by 9,914.77 coins in the past 7 days, showing a clear trend of increasing holdings. The following is more detailed data and future trend analysis:

Current status of Bitcoin balances on major exchanges

Coinbase Pro

Current balance: 861,205.13 (ranked first among CEX)

Past 24 hours: Inflow 514.07

Past 7 days: Inflow 537.74

Past 30 days: Outflow 28,600.12

Bi An

Current balance: 612,898.11

Past 24 hours: Outflow 1,028.20

Past 7 days: Inflow 9,914.77

Past 30 days: Inflow 37,800.45


Current balance: 402,586.32

Past 24 hours: Inflow 568.43

Past 7 days: Inflow 4,199.01

Past 30 days: Inflow 10,292.01

Bottom line: Significant overweight on Bian

In the past 7 days, Bian's pie balance has increased by 9,914.77 pieces, which is a significant signal of accumulation. In the past 30 days, Bian also saw a large inflow of pie, amounting to 37,800.45 pieces.

This trend of increasing holdings may indicate that investors are optimistic about the future prospects of Bitcoin, especially in the current market volatility. As one of the world's largest exchanges, Bi'an's increase in Bitcoin holdings may be in preparation for future market demand.

Coinbase Pro outflow trend

While there have been small inflows over the past 24 hours and seven days, Coinbase Pro has seen a large outflow of Bitcoin (28,600.12) over the past 30 days.

This may indicate that some large or institutional investors are reallocating their assets or transferring funds to other platforms for operations.

Steady inflows to Bitfinex

Bitfinex’s Bitcoin balance has seen consistent inflows over the past seven days and 30 days, at 4,199.01 and 10,292.01 respectively.

This steady inflow suggests that Bitfinex is attracting new capital, perhaps due to the services or trading conditions provided by its platform attracting more investors.

Short-term investors: Pay close attention to the changes in the Bitcoin balance of Bi’an. If the trend of increasing holdings continues, it may have a supporting effect on Bitcoin prices, and you may consider increasing holdings in the short term.

Long-term investors: Considering the outflow trend of Coinbase Pro, you may need to pay attention to other trends in the market, especially those of large and institutional investors, and adjust your investment strategies.
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