#INJ $INJ INJ Today's Market Analysis:

The 1-hour chart clearly shows that the bulls are in a dominant position. The 2/4-hour level issued a yellow warning signal, and investors need to closely monitor market dynamics. The follow-up communication of the copycat points needs to be analyzed 𡝗Search 👉 Public/Account: Encrypted Riding the Wind

Today's core focus price point is around 19.115. If the market falls below this price, the 4-hour level trend may turn to short-side control. The potential downward support levels are:

Around 18.883

Around 17.822

Around 16.814

If the market rebounds, the upper target price can be noted:

Around 19.400

Around 19.839

Around 20.253

If the rebound fails to effectively break through any of the above resistance levels, the market may continue to be under pressure to move downward. Therefore, it is recommended that short-term investors closely follow the changes in the market and flexibly adjust their operating strategies.

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