Asset management companies’ views on Huida and forecasts for the second half of the year

Bloomberg recently interviewed Nancy Curtin, chief investment officer of investment management company AlTi Global, and said that although Huida’s Blackwell super GPU has a blue ocean, many challenges have also surfaced at the same time. AlTi Tiedemann Global manages more than $70 billion. In an interview, Bloomberg asked Nancy Curtin if she would still be bullish in the second half of the year if she went long on Huida stock now.

Nancy Curtin says generative AI films still have great advantages in new product development.

Huida's Blackwell platform represents an epoch-making breakthrough in accelerated computing power. Blackwell provides powerful computing power to construct and run large-scale language models, which is a major technological advancement in real-time generative AI video technology. Whether it is the hardware or software market, Huida's BlackWell GPU has strong competitiveness in the global semiconductor market. Governments, medical institutions and the automotive industry have just begun to purchase chips.

Antitrust supervision is coming, is Huida worried?

However, at the same time as the interview, it was revealed that the French antitrust and anti-regulatory agencies were preparing to file a lawsuit against Huida. As of this writing, Huida has not publicly expressed its opinion on this accusation.

In September last year, French antitrust regulators raided a chip company. At that time, Huida said that in addition to France, China, the European Union and the United Kingdom were also conducting review and supervision. French anti-trust regulators and the European Union have also filed antitrust and anti-trust complaints against Microsoft and Apple, and the cases are still open.

Huida's core products have evolved from a chip and hardware manufacturer to an AI artificial intelligence platform. Huida's ecosystem includes GPUs, programming languages ​​and software, which can be said to monopolize almost all relevant markets. It is reported that the French regulatory agency is preparing to file a lawsuit against Huida's product CUDA chip programming software and its recent investment in artificial intelligence cloud computing services.

Huida is inseparable from AI creation of generative art

Huida's artificial intelligence platform and creators will be closely intertwined. With Huida's technical cooperation, the new deep machine learning system can generate graphics, voice, and videos from text, and AI-generated art becomes another AI art system.

Take video as an example. Adobe's video editing software, Premiere, uses CUDA chip programming to speed up editing and shorten production time, saving time and effort for creators. In the past, the pain point for creators was that editing images was slow and prone to bugs, and it was impossible to quickly access and edit. CUDA combines high-speed processing with artificial intelligence deep learning and cloud systems to solve all problems at once.

Although it sounds great, creators can quickly access audio and video files and upload them to the cloud system, and then use artificial intelligence to generate a large number of second-generation videos of the same nature in real time according to the machine learning context, but this may lead to copyright infringement and concerns about the leakage of personal information.

Premiere has multiple plug-in apps that use CUDA and Huida's artificial intelligence platform to generate videos. There are many gray areas in this innovative technology field. According to the past protection policies of the European Union, the United Kingdom and France on personal information and intellectual property rights, if the lawsuit is established, Huida will face the challenge of stagnating its main products.

This article Huida’s forecast for the second half of the year: expert opinions, AI controversies and antitrust regulatory challenges first appeared on Chain News ABMedia.