#美股休市    #大盘走势难测    #BTC走势预测    $ETH    $BNB    $SHIB  

A few hours later, the market took a sharp turn for the worse...

Facing the upcoming new round of weekly adjustments, we should be prepared in advance. Usually, once the prices of mainstream cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Solana fall, the entire market tends to follow them into a downward trend.

In order to lock in the gains made in the early stage, I decisively chose to close the position and close all the spot positions. Now is a great time to review and try to short digital currencies such as ZRO, LISTA, especially the highly watched $W token.

For those investors seeking short-term arbitrage opportunities, exploring shorting People tokens or other popular cryptocurrencies in the market may be a strategy worth considering.

If you like spot trading, want to roll funds together, and ambush value coins, please follow me to see the top post, comment 888, and share with you! In the current ups and downs of the market, blindly working alone will never bring opportunities!