During the last bear market, a striking omen was the Fed's decision to raise interest rates. Lao Li repeatedly reminded that once the Fed announced an interest rate hike, we should act immediately, regardless of profit or loss, and leave the market decisively. However, when the interest rate hike really landed, the market reaction was unexpectedly mild, and even occasionally there was a glimmer of hope for a rebound. This made many people question Lao Li's warning, and those investors who did not follow the advice were eventually trapped at the high point of the market like forgotten leeks. Ironically, such scenes have been repeated, and most people seem to have failed to learn lessons from history. 🔥

So, is the current market situation a continuation of the bull market, or a dormant bear market? Are we at the bottom of the market, or a place to breathe halfway up the mountain? This is a common puzzle in the minds of all participants. 🔥

Lao Li's views are consistent. He believes that the future of the cryptocurrency market is full of unknowns and risks, but risks and opportunities always coexist. The key lies in personal risk tolerance and strategic choices. 🔥

Personally, I tend to think that the current market is in a bull market. The basis for this judgment has been explained many times in previous articles, so I will not repeat it here. 🔥

As for whether the market has hit the bottom, there is an indicator worth paying attention to here-Bitcoin's computing power. At present, Bitcoin's computing power has slipped to its lowest level since December 2022, the lowest level since the collapse of the FTX exchange. Looking back at the last round of bear market, the collapse of FTX was the terminator of that round of decline, marking the establishment of the market bottom. Now, the computing power level is similar to that of Bitcoin. Does this indicate that the market is about to usher in a new turning point? Please judge for yourself. 🔥

Finally, for novice friends who are just entering the currency circle and are eager to try because of Bitcoin's record high, I sincerely suggest that you should not rush into the turbulent market, but should first pay attention to and learn relevant knowledge to lay a solid foundation. Only in this way can you go more steadily and further on the road of future investment. 🔥

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