1. People who are too serious cannot make a fortune.

2. To make money, you have to make friends with local powerful people, so that you have a chance to grow big.

3. People who can't let go of their pride can't make a fortune.

4. People who really make big money know how to use the bank’s money, other people’s resources, and other people’s talents.

5. People who are sentimental can't make a fortune.

6. Never believe the phrase “We will definitely cooperate if there is an opportunity”.

7. People who don’t understand the ways of the world cannot make a fortune.

8. You need to at least stay in one industry and settle down. It takes three years to understand the industry, five years to enter the industry, and ten years to become the boss.

9. To be a boss, you must know how to paint a rosy picture, tell stories, and use a future to get others to follow you.

10. People who don’t understand human nature and don’t do things according to human nature will never make a fortune.

11. Don’t try to earn your last penny; get out of the industry early when it’s going downhill.

12. People who don’t know how to socialize can’t make a fortune.

13. When diversifying, you must be cautious and look for industries with good cash flow, quick returns, or even profitable industries.

14. A timid person cannot make a fortune.

15. Don’t use all the profits from your main business to diversify.

16. When drinking at a party, be careful of your partners’ honey traps.

17. If you want to make money, you must know how to socialize and treat people to meals. Many interpersonal relationships are established at the dinner table. While toasting and exchanging cups, people call each other brothers.

18. People who can’t brag can’t make a fortune.

19. If you want to make money, you have to go into sales, start a business, or become a partner.

20. Try to do business with very good cash flow.

21. Put career first and feelings second. Don’t talk about love and affection all day long.

22. Small bosses may not read economics books, but big bosses must read more books on economics and management.

23. Don’t guarantee anything for others. Don’t guarantee anything for others. Don’t guarantee anything for others.

24. Never believe “Lend me some money and I’ll pay you back tomorrow.”

25. Do not place beds in the store, except for restaurants, and try not to have toilets in the store.

26. When the industry is going downhill, don’t increase leverage, but take the initiative to reduce your leverage.

27. If you want to make money, you should be with outstanding people, and then you will become better and better.

28. It is better to have financial support from your father-in-law than to have your parents paving the way for you.

29. Make more friends from all walks of life. You never know who may be able to help you.

30. It’s not that the road is easier when you have more friends, but that you will have more friends when the road is easy.

31. Don’t tell anyone about what you want to do but haven’t done yet.

32. If you can run your own business, don’t form a partnership with others.

33. After you become bigger, recruit more talents, as talents are the primary productive force.

34. Be willing to share money, so that outstanding talents will always follow you.

35. If you want to make money, you have to hang out with the bosses, learn from bosses who are better off than you, and socialize with others.

36. In hardware, tobacco, alcohol, tea, and scrap collection, there are people making a fortune in every industry.

37. When you make money, you should be low-key and don’t show off in front of your relatives. This is a taboo. Make your fortune in silence.

38. Don’t ask relatives to work in finance, purchasing, or cashier, otherwise your family assets will be known to other relatives.

39. If you can go to a first-tier city, go to a first-tier city. If you can go to a coastal city, go to a coastal city because the market there is bigger.

40. If you want to make money, you have to do things that are closest to money.

41. As a boss, you need to analyze the market, products, and industry more.

42. As a boss, you need to know how to use people well. You don’t have to do everything yourself. It is enough to make good use of senior executives.

43. To be a boss, you need to understand the ways of the world, you need to be able to speak, do things, behave yourself, and give gifts.

44. Don’t do business together with relatives, and don’t do the same business with relatives on the same street, otherwise you will have no dealings with them.

45. If you want to make money, you should hang out with people who are doing well, and then you will do better and better.

46. ​​Study more industry information and analyze and summarize industry trends.

47. If you have resources in a small county town, it’s also good to live in a small county town.

48. To be a boss, you must know how to make money with harmony and always have a smile on your face.

49. Money is a person’s courage. The more money one has, the courageous one is.

50. If you are not familiar with an industry, get familiar with it first and don’t rush into it.

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