Why did the market crash recently? Many newbies don’t know what happened. They only know that their positions are getting smaller and smaller, and the shrinkage is getting more and more serious. Will the market continue to crash in the future? You must know these things! 1. The Gox Exchange incident is brought up again: Remember the Gox Exchange that was hacked before? Now, those creditors are starting to divide the money. $9 billion of Bitcoin and Bitcoin Cash are flying all over the sky. Everyone is eager to sell. Can the market not collapse? 2. The Middle East is fighting again: Lebanon and Israel are in conflict again, and the market is unsure. Investors saw that the situation was not right and quickly sold cryptocurrencies. The market is even worse now! 3. The German government started selling Bitcoin: I heard that the German government quietly sold a lot of Bitcoin, and it is said that it has sold more than 400 million US dollars! With so many Bitcoins rushing into the market at once, how can the price not fall? Click on my avatar to follow me. As a professional trader and a senior player in the currency circle. My position suggestions will definitely help and refer to you! #德国政府转移比特币 #币安合约锦标赛 #Mt.Gox将启动偿还计划 #美联储何时降息? #BTC走势分析