
SHIB Market Analysis

For the current trend of SHIB, we can analyze it from multiple time levels. At the 1-2 hour level, the market is currently under the control of the bulls, showing a certain upward momentum.

At the 4-hour level, it presents the characteristics of a rebound market, which further confirms the potential for the market to rise in the short term. #AVAX.智能策略库🥇🥇 #AVAX.每日智能策略

Today, we should focus on the key price of 24.626. This price may become the focus of competition between the bulls and bears in the market. #美国6月非农数据高于预期

If the price is supported near this position and rebounds, it will be expected to further consolidate the advantage of the bulls.

At the same time, we also need to pay attention to the two important support levels below, which are 23.200 and 22.294.

As long as the price does not fall below these two support levels, we can assume that the market has limited downside and the rebound is expected to continue.

In terms of target setting, we initially set the target at 25.710 and 26.686.

These two price levels not only conform to the current technical analysis, but also take into account the potential volatility and profit margin of the market. #ASI代币合并计划 $BTC $ETH $AVAX