People have various views and expectations about the fluctuations in the price of Bitcoin. Some are optimistic that despite the current decline in Bitcoin prices, there will still be a rebound in the future, and it may even reach higher levels, such as 80,000, 100,000 or even 200,000. They believe that interest rate cuts and water release may lead to a bigger bull market.

However, some people are pessimistic and worry that the market may continue to fall. In such market turmoil, some investors may rush to sell their assets out of panic, which often leads to them selling at a price lower than the actual value.

For investors, how to make decisions in the face of drastic market fluctuations is particularly important. Some people choose to gradually reduce their positions when the market recovers, rather than rushing out in a panic. This strategy usually helps them get higher returns on their investments.

The constant volatility and challenges of the market are opportunities for investors to grow and learn. Every big wash in history has provided opportunities for investors who dare to take risks. In such a market environment, it depends on personal investment philosophy and risk tolerance to either passively follow the trend or actively look for opportunities.

Regardless of whether the market is currently volatile or sluggish, for long-term investors, the key is to remain rational and patient, stick to your investment strategy, and believe that you will usher in better investment returns after overcoming challenges.

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