The long-term investment value of A-shares has always attracted market attention, especially the recent prediction of expert Jiang Cheng, which has pushed this topic to the forefront.

In a live broadcast, Jiang Cheng made it clear that in the long run, the A-share market shows a stable upward trend, and even boldly predicted that the market points are expected to reach 1 million points.

This is not just an empty prophecy, but the result of a combination of in-depth analysis of the current market and long-term trend research.

Jiang Cheng's investment strategy and logic are multifaceted. First of all, the multiple fund products he manages have performed well in the past few years.

Especially since the third quarter of 2020, the performance of the funds it manages has significantly exceeded the average level of the CSI 300 and CSI 800 Indices, demonstrating its strong stock selection and market judgment capabilities.

In terms of stock investment, Jiang Cheng prefers stocks in traditional industries with lower valuations, such as China Construction and Vanke A, which occupy an important position in many of his fund products.

In addition to the traditional A-share market, Jiang Cheng is also actively expanding into the Hong Kong stock market, which can be clearly seen from the new fund products he has added in recent years.

He believes that the Hong Kong stock market also has huge growth potential, and he puts it into practice personally, investing his monthly salary into the funds he manages, especially the newly established Hong Kong stock funds.

This "follow-investment" behavior not only reflects his confidence in the market, but also provides investors with a kind of trust guarantee.

Jiang Cheng's investment framework emphasizes safety margin. It does not rely solely on low valuations, but pays more attention to the expected management of future uncertainties and reducing risk probability.

He prefers to construct a portfolio using strict stock-picking criteria, even if that means missing out on some high-volatility but high-return opportunities.

This prudent strategy helped him maintain good performance in a complex and changing market environment.

For ordinary investors, Jiang Cheng's views provide important market insights and investment directions.

Especially in the current global economic environment full of uncertainty, his investment philosophy and strategic layout are worthy of learning and reference for investors.

For investors pursuing capital appreciation, understanding and adopting Jiang Cheng's investment strategy may be an effective way to achieve financial goals.

The long-term upward trend of the A-share market and Jiang Cheng's prediction of 1 million points paint a bright future for stock market investors.

By deeply analyzing market dynamics and adopting scientific investment methods, investors have reason to believe that it is entirely possible to achieve good returns in the capital market in the future.

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