I want to understand a few things when I come to the B circle:

First, the B circle has large fluctuations, short bull-bear cycles, many new things, obvious money-making effects, and many opportunities for ordinary people

Second, don't complain about the environment. I have complained a lot recently, but in fact, I just can't stand some things. There are many opportunities to make money in the B circle environment

Third, you must learn more. Bitcoin B gives ordinary players fewer and fewer opportunities. So far, the obvious money-making effects of this bull market are on the chain, whether it is Bitcoin B inscriptions and runes or sol, memes on Ethereum, there is basically no bull or bear here.

As long as you study hard, the direction is right, and adapt to the new rhythm, you will definitely make money.

You must be able to use wallet transactions. This is the biggest place for ordinary players to turn over.