July 6 Market Analysis

Setting the tone: Currently it is just a rebound, the downward trend has not changed

The title I gave you yesterday was: Bearish, but don't chase. Those who chased the short position yesterday afternoon will be very upset by this pullback.

Trading is like driving on the highway. If you miss the best boarding point, wait for the next bus, don't think about chasing. This market is not short of opportunities, but only of capital. If you miss the exit on the highway, go to the next exit. If you stop or reverse, the consequences will be disastrous if an accident occurs.

The best way now is to wait for the rebound and continue to open short positions after reaching the resistance level. Of course, it is not ruled out that it will go down directly without rebounding. If this happens, wait for the next signal.

The trading market is not short of opportunities, but only of capital. When a good entry position comes, do you still have capital?

The nearest resistance level in the four-hour cycle

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