1000SATS: 2-4 hour levels show bearish forces

1 hour level is oscillating sideways, pay attention to the one-hour long and short price: around 0.0001208. #SATS.每日智能策略

If it stands firm and breaks up, it can meet the long position pressure level: around 0.0001378-0.0001561. #sats目前95%的概率稳赚的方法,就是这两个是联动的,而且老鼠必先拉盘,他拉完后才是sats

If the sideways fluctuation is unable to break through the 1-hour pressure level, the downward trend will continue, and the support level is around 0.0001105. #Sats,马斯克都梭哈了,你们还在原地打转,马斯克带飞 $1000SATS