Chi Ge said that every time he went out, the stock price fell @颜驰Bit

Why did it plummet when I went out this time? I will open a short position every time I go out in the future.


The view in the past few days is that there is no buying, and the left side will not be traded unless it is a pin. 5.8 will not be the bottom. Starting from 5.7, I will cover my position every time it falls by 3,000 points. I covered my position for the first time yesterday.

For the next few positions, continue to look at Figure 1

I advise you every day that the bulls are not working, I hope you can listen to it

Today's view:

1. Spot depends on the size of the position. You can still cover it [except for yesterday's cover]

2. The contract waits for the direction of the 4h pregnancy line. Test support and short under pressure

3. Daily level See Figure 2. 5w is effective without news stimulation. The daily line focuses on two positions 5-5.2. 4.4