“Meme Coin” Criticism from Former Goldman Sachs Analyst to Two Leading Altcoins!

Murad Mahmudov, former analyst at Goldman Sachs, stated that XRP and ADA are actually cult memecoins.

Former Goldman Sachs analyst Murad Mahmudov stated on Twitter on July 4 that people have finally realized that Ripple (XRP) and Cardano (ADA) are actually just cult memecoins.

Mahmudov emphasized that the real values ​​of coins such as XRP and ADA, which have been discussed for a long time in the cryptocurrency market, are controversial.

He argued that these coins, in particular, were perceived as popular cultural symbols among some investors, but their technological and economic foundations were weak. Mahmudov's statements led experts and investors in the cryptocurrency world to question the real value of such coins.

The term cult memecoin is used to describe cryptocurrencies that are popular within a particular community or culture but are generally not technologically or economically powerful.

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