On Black Friday, BTC dropped directly to 53500, which is equivalent to only one strong support level left from the 5w mark. It can be seen that the bears are extremely strong. If it falls below this level in the future, it will enter the 4 era. Has it fallen to the bottom now? No, there will be a long period of time to explore the bottom and seek support, so there will be a downward wave after a rebound. In the short term, 58800-60000 has formed a strong pressure zone.

ETH has fallen back to around 2800 many times. If it falls below 2750 in the future, it will go to 2300. High probability event. In the short term, 3160-3200 has formed a strong pressure zone.

The only thing that can comfort you at present is that there will be cheap chips for you to pick up in the future, time for space, and continue the highlight. The subsequent replenishment of spot positions will only replenish BTC and ETH. In the downward trend, BTC and ETH are slightly resistant to the decline. There is no hope for cottages this year. The price has been capped in March. Although many prices are already very low, as low as the floor, there are still eighteen layers of hell underground. Buy some cottages when the daily line bottoms out in the future.