The market cannot be predicted, only analyzed, so I am subjectively bullish in the subsequent analysis. Let's see if we can find a bottom at 53,500-56,500, and wait for the moving average to flatten. If it is stronger, it will soon test the starting point of today's waterfall near 58,500 US dollars.

Talking about logic, most people's consensus is not a consensus. They all wait for 52,000 and 48,000 to buy the bottom. Then it may be a house-hunting at this position. If it breaks 50,000, there is no support position below. The only thing that has some room for imagination is that there is a box near 51,000 that rose in the previous period. This place may still get a certain degree of support.

At the same time, there are several intriguing questions.

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From today's ETH, it has returned to the price before the ETF was passed, which can be regarded as a fierce wash. Will it be a signal of bottoming out? The US stock market continues to break new highs, but the market has not followed, but has fallen slowly. Will it make up for the rise? Once the US stock market goes into a correction, will the market follow the decline and not the rise, and continue to break down?

At present, I am more inclined to believe that the profit-making institutions that have continuously hit new highs in the US stock market in the early stage will re-enter the cryptocurrency market in the near future. On the one hand, they are avoiding the risk of a correction in the US stock market, and on the other hand, they are picking up chips with blood on them. No matter from what reason, as long as you do not see the cryptocurrency industry returning to zero, then the price of more than 50,000 is appropriate.

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