The f2pool mining pool statistics show that the cost price of various mining machines shows that most mining machines are no longer cost-effective under the current Bitcoin price. Only two Antminer machines (Antminer) can maintain stable performance in the current market. Profitable, the cost price is 43292 and 39581. However, f2pool emphasizes that the basis of electricity costs for these statistics varies from place to place.

The research institution CoinShares uses the costs of mining companies to present the current mining costs. In the following chart, nearly half of the mining companies do not meet the cost. The lowest-cost Bitdeer and Cleanspark costs are both at the 41K level, and the others are still profitable. The cost of mining companies with favorable space falls between 45K~51K.

This article looks at the bottom from Bitcoin mining data: most mining machines no longer meet the cost, and half of the mining companies are losing money. First appeared in Chain News ABMedia.