Why does the gap between the rich and the poor continue to widen, with the rich accumulating wealth faster while the poor struggle in poverty? The following insights may reveal the reasons behind it:

1. Unbalanced capital allocation: The rich are often able to invest in high-quality, high-potential assets, such as high-end real estate, blue-chip stocks and diversified investment portfolios, which naturally promote the steady growth of their wealth. On the other hand, the poor, limited by resources, may have to get involved in high-risk or low-return areas, such as high-interest loans or highly speculative investment products, making it difficult to accumulate wealth steadily.

2. Differences in the ability of assets to resist risks: The assets in the hands of the rich, such as high-quality real estate and stable financial investments, usually have good anti-inflation and value-preserving characteristics, and can maintain stable value in economic fluctuations. In contrast, the assets that the poor may hold, such as loans or high-risk investments that are susceptible to market influences, often fluctuate greatly with changes in the economic environment, increasing financial instability.

3. Differences in investment strategies and vision: The rich are more inclined to adopt long-term and diversified investment strategies, and they ensure the steady growth of wealth through carefully planned asset allocation. The poor may be more susceptible to the temptation of market sentiment and short-term interests due to lack of professional knowledge or information channels, and engage in high-risk, high-frequency transactions, resulting in fluctuations and uncertainty in financial conditions.

4. Asymmetry of market power: In the capital market, the rich have more resources and information advantages, can grasp market trends more accurately, and may even influence market trends to a certain extent through their influence, or use information asymmetry to sell riskier products for profit. This imbalance of market power makes the poor face greater risks and uncertainties in the investment process, further exacerbating the widening gap between the rich and the poor.

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