There is still one hour before the most important non-agricultural data of this year is released‼ ️Market layout in advance‼ ️BTC stopped falling after falling to 53600, and ETH rebounded with support at the 2802 mark📈

In the past, the chief non-agricultural data will give everyone an accurate prediction in advance. So far, I have not failed to predict the non-agricultural market. ⚠️Can the non-agricultural data this time stop the decline by inserting a pin downward and then rebounding quickly⁉️⁉️

If the non-agricultural market is announced tonight and can stop the decline, it should be a downward pin first, and then an upward pull and rebound

ETH's support is between 2886 and 2854

BTC's simultaneous support is between 54780 and 53900

If the non-agricultural data tonight fails to break the above support, or the market is quickly inserted into this area after the announcement, and the insertion does not break, then the subsequent market will be able to get a rebound after the non-agricultural⚠️⚠️

But the current market decline is very large. If it breaks this support, then Ethereum will fall to around 2600 next week‼ ️

ETH upper pressure level is 3026 to 3062

The second pressure level is 3104 to 3154

The non-agricultural data will be released in one hour. I will make arrangements in advance. If there is any abnormality after the release, I will post an analysis🙏🙏
