Generally, Staking to a Rug Pool is the primary way that Hosky is released to the community.

Each Rug Pool receives an equal amount of Hosky each epoch from the total allocation of 0.5T per epoch. This amount is split between rewards for ADA staked (40%) and for the NFTs held (60%) in that staked wallet. The more popular a Rug Pool becomes for ADA or NFTs, the lower the Hosky per asset (ADA or NFT) is earned. NFTs, however, vary in the amount of Hosky they earn depending on various bonuses:

  • Loyalty Bonus: How many epochs the NFT has remained in the same staked wallet to a Rug Pool. This can double the Effective Weight of your Cash Grab NFTs within 5 epochs, meaning that one Cash Grab with loyalty is equivalent to two Cash Grabs without (see Section 4.3 for more details).

  • Matching Trait Bonus: Both CGs and Gnomeskies have certain traits (e.g. hats, backgrounds, etc.) which result in double Effective Weight.

  • Gnomeskies Bonus: A Gnomesky counts as 15 Cash Grabs when in a Rug Pool staked wallet. “Holiday” special edition Gnomeskies earn the same amount of Hosky as 5 Cash Grabs.

  • S#!tties Bonus: S#!tties will multiply an entire wallet’s Effective Weight for Cash Grabs by 1.69 (this does NOT affect ada or Gnomeskies) but earns no Hosky itself.

A report (known as the “PDF” or “spreadsheet”) is created each epoch based on a snapshot of the state of the Cardano network, and posted in the #announcements channel. Searching by “stake address” which is available when staked to a Rug Pool will let you know how much Hosky will be returned when “pulling” from the $rugpool address.

Being a member of the official Discord channel and reviewing that report is the only way to see rewards before pulling (for now).

Hosky rewards less than 25M in total will accumulate until they exceed 25M.

#Hosky #Ada #cardano #Memecoins