On May 17, I did a market value analysis of all pad + pool + mega projects in Binance from 2012 to 2014, totaling 28 projects.

The price has plummeted in the past few days, and I recalculated the price and market value comparison:


The average drop of the project is 51%, which means that the general drop is terrible!


Excluding $LISTA, only $not is still making positive returns, with an increase of 66%.


The other 26 projects all fell: 22 of them fell more than 50%, and 4 fell less than 50%: $SUI $ARKM $OMNI $BB


On May 17, there were 0 projects with a circulating market value below 100 million. Today, there are 12 projects with a circulating market value below 100 million, including $LISTA $REZ $OMNI $SAGA $PORTAL $XAI $AI $NFP $ACE $CYBER $MAV $RDNT

Among them, $MAV $RDNT $NFP is hovering around 50 million US dollars

On May 17, there were 17 projects with a market value between 100 million and 500 million, but now there are only 11: $BB $ETHFI $AEVO $PIXEL $ALT $MANTA $MEME $NTRN $ARKM $EDU $ID

On May 17, there were 8 projects with a market value above 500 million, but now there are only 5: $NOT $ENA $SEI $PENDLE $SUI


On May 17, FDV below 100 million was 0, and now there is 1 $RDNT

On May 17, there were 2 between 100 million and 500 million, and now there are 9: $LISTA $AEVO $PORTAL $AI $NFP $ACE $NTRN $EDU $MAV

On May 17, there were 9 between 500 million and 1 billion, and now there are 10: BB, REZ, SAGA, PIXEL, MANTA, XAI, MEME, ARKM, PENDLE, ID

On May 17, there were 17 above 1 billion, and now there are 8


Let's discuss:

If you were asked to buy at the bottom, do you think these cottages have fallen by half, is it possible to buy at the bottom?

For projects with a circulating market value of less than 100 million, do you think they have fallen to the right level?

If it were you, which coins would you buy at the bottom?

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