The market is in an epic turmoil! The US debt crisis has detonated the market, and investors are trapped in the vortex!

Yesterday's market scene was like a sudden financial tsunami. It was not a natural disaster, but the US Treasury bond, a blockbuster in the global financial landscape, quietly detonated! 💥

Fed Chairman Powell's shocking remarks - "The continued growth of national debt is unsustainable" was like a blockbuster bomb thrown into the market, instantly triggering a chain reaction, the market was in mourning, and stock prices plummeted like a cliff! Investors were stunned and exclaimed: "What should we do about this situation?!"😱

The aftermath of this storm is still brewing and is far from over. The market generally expects that only when the US Congress unveils the new debt plan on the seventh day, the market sentiment may be temporarily stabilized by borrowing new debts to repay old debts. However, the US government's ambition to control the inflation rate at 2% is like adding fuel to the fire in the current context, which may intensify the inflation fire. On July 8, there may be another loosening policy, but the price will be a further rise in inflation! 🔥

Crisis often breeds turning points. 🚀 Just like the petrel in the storm, there are always brave people who choose to ride the wind and waves to find the treasure of wealth after the storm. In this storm of US debt, there are also many knowledgeable people who are paying close attention to market dynamics and preparing to seize opportunities in the chaos.

But we must also be vigilant. If the United States allows the collapse of the US dollar credit system, the consequences will be disastrous. That will be the cold winter of the global financial market, and an unprecedented super bear market may sweep in, like an avalanche on a high mountain, its momentum is unstoppable, and no one can escape!

The long-awaited bull market is now overshadowed by the uninvited guest of the US dollar. The mood of investors has also changed from initial optimism to deep worry and uneasiness. 😔

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